3rd day of the work week=3 things

What's with the blueberries? Glad you asked.
My hubby doesn't like sweets too much, and I just found out last night (after HOW many years?!) That he has a fondness for blueberry pie. I love no... I LOVE to bake pies. They are just so "homey". That's the first thing.... my 1st blueberry pie is coming up!
The 2nd thing... is a special sneak peek of some "food jewels" that I have been creating. Imagine... tiny fried eggs and bacon earrings and chocolate chip cookie necklaces. There's more, toast, pancakes, cupcakes, ice cream cones, strawberries....just to name a few. Photos will be posted at some point today. These items will be available in my Etsy shop,but they will also be given away for some future contests.
And the 3rd thing... I am planning a wedding. Not humans, but... both of my sites. I am gong to marry the two into their own page.. so that I may have more topic areas for my readers to explore. I am planning a site to contain a healthily living segment, pet keeping, housekeeping, cooking, and daily life. I am currently in the process of "shopping" for web hosts. And I will keep you all updated. The domain set currently will still work through the process... so it should be no trouble for y'all! Check back today... I'm hoping to make that pie during my 2 year old's nap.