These are so good. A must try....

Y'all will love these... no cooking... not much of a mess...and easy. And, melt in your mouth!

What a nice dough you get when you combine:
2c powdered sugar
2 tbs softened salted butter
2 tbs heavy cream
2tsp vanilla (I used clear)
Combine all that by hand until you get a nice dough. Make 2 balls of dough and to each one:

Roll out between two sheets of wax paper....

Spread with creamy peanut butter....

You can maybe go a little thicker than I did....

Roll up! Man, I just realized I do a lot of rolled things... sushi, cakes, now these.
Hmmmm. Okay, I chilled mine about 15min after rolling. You may or may not feel the need to do that.

Slice em up, about 1/2" thick. Store in the fridge. Very yummy... enjoy!

They really melt in your mouth.....
BTW, I just received your package. I ADORE my chocolate chip cookie Scrabble pendant!!!! Right now I have it on display in the printer's drawar that hangs on the wall of my kitchen. It looks very nice there. And I used my 1st recipe card to write down a Peanut Butter Pie recipe a friend sent me. They will come in handy! Thanks so are way too kind!
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